Properties–Gases & Vapours

DAG website gives brief details about different gases and vapours which can be detected and monitored by PRISM products and systems. DAG website can be used by Safety, Purchase, Process, Instrumentation, Consultant, Contractor personnel alike as the language is simple and topic treatment is just right. DAG website gives details limited to relevance from safety […]

Methanol–the wood alcohol

   Methanol is also known as Methyl alcohol, Methyl hydrate, Methyl hydroxide, Methylic alcohol, Methylol, Carbinol, Hydroxymethane, Wood alcohol,  wood naphtha or wood spirits. It is also written as CH3OH. Methanol acquired the name “wood alcohol” because it was historically produced chiefly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood. Methanol is the simplest alcohol and […]

Methane–the natural gas

    Natural gas is a mixture of small organic molecules that are all gasses at normal temperatures.  Methane is the major constituent ( 75  to 95%) of natural gas along with  ethane, propane etc..  The “firedamp” of coal mines is chiefly methane. Anaerobic bacterial decomposition of plant and animal matter, such as occurs under water, produces […]

Chlorine – the world war 1 gas

    Chlorine is a toxic, corrosive, greenish-yellow gas with a sharp smell (the smell of bleach) that is irritating to the eyes and to the respiratory system. Chlorine is two and a half times heavier than air. Because it is heavier than air, it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. It has […]

Ammonia – the fertiliser gas

     The amount of ammonia manufactured every year by humans is almost equal to the amount produced by nature. In nature, it is found in trace quantities of only 1 to 5 ppb in the atmosphere. Because of its many uses, ammonia is one of the most highly produced inorganic chemicals. About 80% or more […]